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Factual Information Regarding Silver American Eagles That You Need To Know Of

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One very important thing regarding Silver American Eagle that you should know of is the fact that it is one of the most sought-after coins in the world. It was first issued in the year nineteen eighty-six, these coins are considered as authentic U.S. silver dollar, not as medals or private mint issues. If we are going to talk about the details of the american eagle silver dollar, it features the legendary Walking Liberty design that was created by Adolph Weinman. The Walking Liberty design was used on the half-dollars that were created between nineteen sixteen and nineteen forty-seven. If you will look closely at it, you will see the initials of Weinman on the hem of the Lady Liberty's gown. As for the reverse design, it actually highlighted a heraldic eagle under thirteen stars. This amazing and excellent design is widely considered as one of the most beautiful design that has been ever used on a silver coin.

There are other things that you have to be aware of regarding Silver American Eagles such as the fact that it has a diameter of forty millimeters, made from a really wonderful and incredible point nine hundred ninety-nine silver and also, the weight as well as the silver content is backed by the US government. Not only that, there goes the fact as well that if you want to have your own collection of 2019 american silver eagle, you have to option of either to order the entire series or to choose only the favorites that you have for each year. The best thing about choosing the entire series is that it will be considered as a bulk order hence, you have the chance of getting a discount for it. On the other hand, if you choose to just get your favorites for each year, though this may not give you a discount, you are still able to save since you are only paying for what you are getting.

Before you proceed on getting Silver American Eagles, you have to better know and understand first what it symbolizes and what are the things that it is capable of doing. You may think that such item is for collection purpose alone however, its rarity and being a limited edition may give you the hype and the thrill of getting it. Make sure that you get yourself associated with the right type of people so you will not end up getting hoaxed. To know more about coins collection click here: